Oprah’s Net Worth: A Peek Inside the Billionaires Finances

Oprah Net Worth

Oprah Winfrey turns 66 in [year], and her net worth is approaching $3 billion (Forbes says she’s currently worth $2.7 billion). So, what does Oprah do with all that money? Oprah owns property around the country, a private jet, stake in companies and restaurants, and she gives to multiple charities. As we wish her a happy 66th, we take a look at what exactly one of the world’s richest women spends her money on. So let’s take a peek inside of Oprahs Net Worth.

Real Estate

Oprah’s owns a variety of homes and properties across the U.S. She has used her fortune to purchase properties like her prized home in Montecito, California. It’s a mansion she paid around $50 million for in 2001. She nicknamed the home “The Promised Land,” at it is estimated to be worth $90 million today. She also has a farmhouse in Maui; a $14 million dollar home in the ski town of Mountain Village near Telluride in Colorado; and her most recent real estate purchase, a private compound on 43 acres of land on Orcas Island, in Washington State. Better start your savings today if you want to keep up!

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Charity and Philanthropy

Oprah has long been known to be a charitable giver. She uses her celebrity status to bring notice to causes she believes in. Oprah was once quoted as saying, “You get from the world what you give to the world,” and she practices what she preaches. She recently donated $100 million dollars to the Time’s Up campaign, a campaign established by power players in the entertainment industry that aims to tackle harassment and sexism.

Oprah regularly gives generously to educational causes, like her own Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa. She founded the academy in 2007, and since it opened, she has spent over $140 million on it. The boarding school is home to underprivileged girls from grades 8 through 12, and Oprah pays all the girls’ living expenses. She spends at least one week on campus every time she visits and spends time visiting with the girls around the fire.

Oprah's Net Worth

Ron Clark, who appeared on Oprah’s show several times, founded an academy himself (the Ron Clark Academy) and Oprah donated $5 million dollars to this private, non-profit middle school in Atlanta.

In 2018, Oprah donated $500,000 to March for Our Lives. The marches were held on March 24, 2018, and took place all across the U.S. in support of stricter gun control.

In 2016, Oprah gave $1 million to N Street Village, in Washington, D.C. This nonprofit provides services, housing, and advocacy to homeless and low-income women in the area. Last year, when she starred in “A Wrinkle in Time”, Oprah donated $50,000 to a campaign spearheaded by 14-year-old Taylor Richardson in Jacksonville, Florida. The teen developed the campaign to raise money for 1,000 young black girls in her hometown to see the movie.

Also Read: How to Lower Your Moving Expenses and Raise Your Credit Score with just a few simple tricks.

In 2011, Oprah Winfrey’s Angel Network awarded a $25,000 grant to Chicago’s Logan Square Neighborhood Association. This community-based organization serves more than 7,000 adults and children through its various programs.

She donated $12 million to the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History in 2012; she had previously donated $1 million in 2007. And in 2015, Oprah donated $100,000 to the GEANCO foundation in honor of David Oyelowo, her costar in “Selma” and “The Butler,”. The charitable organization provides health programs and education to women and girls in Nigeria.

On one of her last episodes of “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” Oprah welcomed back one her favorite guests, Tererai Trent. The Zimbabwe native first appeared on Oprah’s show in 2009, and told of how the people in her village helped her to relocate to the U.S. The second time she came on the show, Trent said she hoped to give back to her village by helping them improve their schools and educational system. In 2011, when she was on the show a final time, Oprah announced she would be providing a $1.5 million grant from the Oprah Winfrey Foundation to Save the Children. The money went to rebuilding the Matau Primary School in Zimbabwe. After all, it takes money to raise kids!

And after Hurricane Katrina, Oprah donated $10 million dollars to Gulf Coast residents to help them rebuild their homes. She also established the Angel Network Homes Registry which helped victims repurchase items for their homes—items that had been lost in the storm.

The list of Oprah’s charitable donations goes on and on…but what else does she spend her money on?

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Fun and Friends

Oprah owns her own jet—which she paid $42 million for, after an encounter with a rude person at an airport. In 2006, Winfrey took her friend, Gayle King, on a trip across-country, driving from Santa Barbara to New York City. They also went “glamping” in Yosemite in 2010, and just a few years later, the pair went truffle picking in Umbria, which Oprah said was on her bucket list. The two have even gone clubbing in Ibiza with will.i.am. They are what you call ‘Recession Proof‘, but are you?

She often includes her staff on her adventures. In 2009, she took them on a 10-day cruise that cost her over $9 million, and she recently took the staff of OWN on a vacation to Maui.

In 2017, Oprah and Gayle joined other celebrities at David Geffen’s yacht party; the yacht was anchored in Sicily, near an exclusive Google retreat.


Oprah also invests in a number of businesses. Oprah co-founded Oxygen Media. She sold Oxygen to NBC in 2007 for $925 million. In 2015, she purchased 10% of Weight Watchers for $43 million. Today, her investment is worth more than $400 million. So if you want to catch up, you better get to planning!

Oprah Net Worth

Oprah is very interested in health and wellness, and this drove her to invest in True Food Kitchen in 2018. This health-food-focused restaurant chain is based in Phoenix, Arizona.

Oprah may be worth a great deal, but it is easy to see that she is charitable with her time and money. Plus, she’s a savvy businesswoman, so her wealth will continue to grow.

Further Reading: How to Find the Best Mortgage Lenders.


  1. Hi Ms. Oprah. I Hope youre in good Health.. I am trying to open up acleaning buisness. I am 64 years old and I m recoverung from my past lifest. Can you help me financially. I m worried about living out the rest of my life in this uncaring world

  2. Hi Ms. Oprah, how are you feeling today, well I hope. I would like to say thank you for all of your charitable work you are doing around the world, it’s an honor to see and hear of all the great things you are doing for people who may not have an opportunity to arisefrom there disrepute of life, but through your act’s of kindness, many people are coming into there full potential of life. I am also a women who is coming into my full potential of life is graciously asking for your help financially to help me open up The Tree of Life Outreach Deliverance Center, for adult men and women coming out of prisons, homeless shelters, to be able too start afresh in life. I need resources for jobs, and housing. I live in Queens, N.Y. I do have monies saved to start, but I would like to know if you would please join your hand to mine in helping me get this task off the ground and running. Thanks in advance for your kindness. I hope to hear from you soon.

  3. Happy Birthday hope you have plenty more,I’m 68 and don’t have anything but life and I thank God for that,the world is not what God intended for it to love and understandung,so much killing of each other,
    But I dream and pray no matter what I go through in life God s got it in control,God bless you

  4. Hi Oprah. My name is Juanita CRUZ. When I found out that u were leaving your Oprah show I got very devistated. Cause I wanted to Come out on your show to talk about me, my struggles of life terms. What my childhood life was till now. I need help in starting out to write a book about MYSELF. A good publisher for my book etc. I am in struggles with student loan and they won’t help me cause is a thousand and change. I am disabled and I also have a credit card debt and am waiting to lose some weight for surgery for hernias around my bladder. I would live to still get to meet you I would be the happiest person ever. Wish I could of made it to the program and share what I wanted before being able to walk. God bless u always. Wish that maybe you can help me out with my finance situation. I really need this stress off my chest. Yours truly; Juanita CRUZ!!!

  5. I would love to meet Oprah, if I ever had any money given to me I would pay off my Mom and Dad’s house get them out of debt and let them live the rest of their lives peacefully

  6. Hi Ms.Oprah I Love Loved Your Shows My Name Is Arnetha I’m The Mother Of 7 Beautiful Children That God Blessed I Raised Them Most Of There lives By Myself And I’m A GRANDMA Of 15 And One Half Grand Kids And 3 Great Grands I’ve Worked Since I Was 11 years Old.Mow It’s A Every Day Struggle Just To Keep My Head Above Water…Saying That To Say If You Find It In Your Heart To Give Any Thing To Help…God Have Already Poured On The Blessing Thank You….

  7. Wish she could donate to remoldling my home., worked all my life and now live on fixexed income, wish she could give me some business info.

  8. Hi i am a 46 year old sigle mom raising 10 year old twins and struggling to pay rent get a car i am in need of help my name is Vicky thank you

  9. Dear Miss Opera, I wrote to you that I need 50 thousands Ueda in order to go makkah for Oprah and Haj but no reply from you till now ,I told you my age 71 ,I am disabled to get a job, So that I need that money. Thank you.

  10. Dear Miss Operah,I believe that you are very merciful for all peopIe ,I know many people have benefits from your kindness like pay off their study fees in colleges and other helps in many ways, So that A GOD PLESSIS YOU ALL THE TIME FOR YOUR MERCY. THANK YOU SO MUCH

  11. Hello Oprah I thinks you are a marvelous and truly amazing. Doing wonderful and kind things for a lot of people and that’s so wonderful because it shows God’s love that has bind us all together and to help each other along Life’s Highway again thank you for your kindness and generosity and happy birthday and many many more

  12. Love what you have been able to do. Was working in Fayetteville nc whe you bought a car for someone. I’m a cancer survivor and struggling to pay off my house an Military Veteran, wishing you all the Happiness in your endivers, love watching you on TV

  13. Hi Oprah, just wanted to say congrats to u, I admire your will and drive to be the best at all that u do and accomplished so far, I think u are a blessed lady and your generosity is outstanding, I understand why u are so blessed, the more u give, the more u receive.

    I need help as well, but I just wanted to give u the blessing from an old lady that feels u need to told how wonderful u are.

    God Bless You, more.

  14. I am a mother and grand mother I am 54 years old and original from Mississippi, I lost my husband of 27 years in June of 2016 he was a quadriplegic for 18 years, I resigned from my job to take full care for him and I enjoyed the time spent with him, and I relocated to Houston Texas to help my daughter with her now 13 month old daughter, but now I am struggling for a full time job and a place to live, I have loans and credit debt that has been going on for a couple of years now and I haven’t been able to get them paid, due to trying up keep on a place to live and car payment that I have to survive keeping a job. I love the fact that Oprah has been so generous to so many charities and people in general until I wish I could receive the little help that I’m requesting to her for the help I need, I have been a caregiver for over 20 years but the pay I have received hasn’t been for filling. So in the name of Jesus could Oprah please help me. This is totally an emergency for me and I would love to meet Oprah in person because for years she has been mentor to reflect on since her first talk show (Oprah Winfrey Show), I have been watching her and trying to keep up with her and her rising fame, her endeavors and just the love and compassion that she shares with so many fans. This a cry for help.!!

  15. I’m Proud of Oprah. I wish that I would have had her drive. I wish I would have thought about the future. I only lived in the moment. Well the moment has left me with nothing. But even with nothing I still try to help others. That’s at least one thing we have in common. Continue to live your Best Life Oprah. God Bless you.

  16. Am 60 year old and have been through a lot I was on drugs for 20 years but I been clean 40 years I have been in a Domestic violence 8 years I get out but I was beat on and God know what else I been live with my kids I lose everything I just Thanks God for my life I suffered with depression n anixiety n Tspd I went so much to start my own business but am on ssa because of what I been through but I know God have brought me out I should be died but by the grace of God Am a livewhen I left my husband my daughter was 17tren and she told me for 8year of my marriage she had sleep tell that night when my husband left the house I made up my mind to get me and my kids out I dream that one day I will have me a clean business and to help women like my self I watch u show I just. Learn how to live and went so much to share my stories Ihe burn all my clothes he take everything from me

  17. Miss. Oprah I’m 46 I’m a Survivor of the West Nile and Minaj itis I’ve been suffering since 2005 can’t work will love to work I need a blessing if I’m wanting to candidates to get a blessing from you it will be so grateful and I will be so humble please consider me is one of asking Ladies for your help! God Bless You

  18. Dear Ms Oprah I would love to just mean you in person I love everything about how you support different charity I wish I could do the same I’m 56 years old and I have a kidney disease and I was hoping one day just to meet you fighting to stay healthy so I won’t be put on dialysis I just had my first grandbaby she’s 1 years old now and I hope to see her get older I thank you for all the things that you have done for other people and I thank God for you

  19. Hi Oprah I believe that you are one of the most inspirational women I have ever known or heard of. I am a 69 year old retired public school teacher, and a retired none commission military officer. I worked my butt off just to try to have a good life at this age. Non-of this happened for me. At this time I am struggling to pay bills from month to month. There is a reason for this and it no fault of my own. I can’t explain hear.

  20. I don’t need a hand out I need a leg up, have big dreams of owning my own resteraunt, would love to in fact, I am a mother of 2, on disability. Can cook like a champ, or so I’ve been told, owning my own resteraunt is a very big dream of mine.

  21. I am a mother of 5 4 boys and one girl im not the perfect mom but i tru very hard im always behind on bills rent exct. My 18 year old wants to go to a college so he can get his life going im trying to get a bit of help he is very slow at learning always has my youngest wants to learn how to be a cheff but he also needs a little more help than his brother my land lord tells me he needs some of the back rent we owe i keep telling him im trying my beast but if he dosnt get more money for this we will be on the streets not begging for money but when you cant afford wifi for sons school work so he dosnt fall to far behind my husband cant work he cant get dissablaty or ssi they say he can work still he has lost two toes on one foot already he owes so many medical bills its over whelming me because every one looks to mom when they need and i cry sometimes because im to far in dept with know out ya i couldpay the bills if i had the extra money for them but i dont sometimes i just cry to relive my sences my kids and husband need clothes and shoes but again im one person trying to do it all with little help from famaly any help would be wonderful. Thank you for reading this helps a little


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